Vacation Bible School


Our first Vacation Bible School (VBS) was held in 1961. Since then, a group of enthusiastic and dedicated men, women and youth have been coming together to successfully organize VBS.

Why is VBS so special? VBS is:

— A fun-filled and engaging outreach event for our Sunday School children and their invited friends.

— An event where the Main Sanctuary and classrooms are transformed via creative decorations into myriad, distant destinations, where God is always to be found.

— An event entirely run by volunteers – from the wonderful ladies of Karis Fellowship who cook and serve delicious snacks, to the talented working professionals and college students who dream up and actualize amazing decorations and games, and the faithful Sunday School teachers and youths who conduct the teaching sessions. It is truly an intergenerational God-glorifying event at PBC!

Through the years, VBS has evolved in many ways. Morning and afternoon sessions were held in 2008 and 2009 when enrollment peaked at about 360. 

T-shirts were printed for kids and volunteers from 2001 when we began to use Lifeway programs.

From 2014, God has inspired and enabled our VBS Committee to plan our own themes, complete with curricula, original songs, T-shirt designs, games, and crafts! 

We endeavor to continue organizing VBS to impact kids with the good news of the Gospel and Jesus’ love.